Sound Tested

 The morning session was taken up for a quick look back into the chapter sound and a test paper of sound, an Objective MCQ exam through Google Form. Around 70 students joined the meeting and attempted the exam. 64 students submitted the exam through Google form and due to some technical issues, 5 students write the exam in Papers and send their answer sheet to me through Whatsapp. 

At the evening session Diagnostic test was conducted the same students but only for B Division. Most of the students their answer sheets in an hour and some of us take some more times to finish the exam. Evaluation is on processing and completed one another important work of the School Internship Programme.

After that, me along with my Colleague Gopika J S done a virtual meeting regarding the preparation of the conscientization programme for class 8 students. We have planned, organized and divided the duties and fixed the date and time for Feb 07, 2022 at 6PM. We informed about this session to our General Teachers and Optional teachers.
