The Class Room Management

Our Principal Sir, Benedict Sir started and continued the remainning microteaching lessons. 

Todays session was about Classroom Management. Every teacher has a unique classroom management. The important lesson we should keep in mind is that "Before you teach your student ,you should learn your student" hence creating a rapport with students is essential in classroom management.

Then sir mentioned about How Teachers should be a Facilitator rather than a Provider.

PCK scale was the next point given . PCK scale (pedagogical content knowledge) is an important way to measure the Teachers competency ,a teacher should use the scale in classroom management . 

Maintaining a proper time schedule is yet another subskill under classroom management. Bridging of relationship with the students however is the prime step in this skill.

Then moved on to next skill that is skill of closure. In this we need to sum-up the main points clarify the doubts , give assignments and get feedback. Thus todays session ended and Sir asked us to share our feedback of the  Overall sessions dealt.

Some of the students shared their comments.

Over all the entire session on "Skill based instructional design: an introduction" by Principal was really informative and useful We could learn new aspects related how teaching should be done in a classroom and more over how to be an efficient Teacher.
