Solasta; Ingaurated

     The Solasta, Physical Science association, of Mar Theophilus Training College is Inagurated in Online By Dr. Senoy Thomas, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Physics, CUSAT.

    The event was held online in Google Meet platform from 6:30 to 8:00 PM IST, on 9th March 2021. The function started with College Anthem. Physical Science Association secretary gave the welcome address, Followed by the presidential address of College Principal, Dr. K. Y. Benedict. The function was inagurated by the Chief guest, Dr. Senoy Thomas. After, Inaguration a wonderful and informative lecture was given by the chief guest about the need of science tempor. He talked about research, self motivation to research and a lot of informative and valuable things. Dr. Neena Thomas, Mentor Physical Science, gave the felicitation. Also, our senior Student representative, Anjima also gave a Felicitation. 

    The second part of the Event, goes to an online puzzle competition. Students from other optionals also participated in the online event. followed by enthusiastic experiments conducted by the Family members of Team Solasta. 

Roshan gave a Feedback to the function and Our Rep. Shilpa Mary gave thanks for everyone. 

It was my first ever experience to give a complete online technical support for an online event.. The Solasta family gave an opportunity for me to carry that opportunity.
